
What Kind of Dental Cleaning will I be getting?

What Kind of Dental Cleaning will I be getting?

All dental cleanings are alike…Right? Not Really!

When it comes to dental cleanings, they’re either classified as preventive or something else. If the gums are healthy, no sign of gum disease, no inflammation, no bleeding, healthy pink in color, little or no recession, gum pockets of normal probing range up to 3 mm, or no previous Periodontal Therapy or Surgery, then the cleaning is classified as a routine, preventive cleaning.

If there are signs of gum disease, drainage from the gum pockets, redness in color, recession beyond normal, pockets of 4mm and above, generalized bleeding, bone loss on the x-rays, heavy calculus or tarter build-up causing tissue changes, now we are treating a problem with a dental cleaning, not preventing a problem. There are other types of dental cleanings that are appropriate for these types of gum problems. YOU DO NOT QUALIFY FOR A ROUTINE CLEANING!

Appropriate cleanings for gum problems are:

  1. Debridement
  2. Scaling with the presence of inflammation
  3. Root Planing and scaling
  4. Gum Surgery
  5. Periodontal Maintenance

These treatments are all based on severity of the problem. All treatments are customized to your specific conditions, and the outcome depends on classification of the condition, how long this has been going on, home care, medical comorbidity, medications you are taking, as well as other factors. Please do not ask us to do a regular cleaning when you have these gum problems!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the office for any explanations you would like to discuss @561-798-4077, or email us:

Thank You,

From the Office of Bruce Elkind, DDS & Staff

New Office Protocols for COVID

How We Make Our Office Safe To Visit

To make the office safe:

1. Every room has an Airgle 600 air purifier… capable of filtering and sanitizing 270 cfm air. Triple filtration with HEPA filters and UVC lights removing 99.99% of bacteria and viruses.

2. During treatment we use an extraoral suction unit which does the same thing as the Airgle but contains 99.99% of the aerosols produced by the procedure.

3. We installed a Reme Halo system in our AC unit that sanitizes the whole office air quality from bacteria, viruses, and pollen and contaminants.

4. Staff uses the CDC and ADA required PPE for our protection as well.

5. High risk procedures are also done in a contained room to segregate that room from the rest of the office.

6. We minimize the number of people in the office at any one time.
7. We prescreen patients when making appointments and upon arrival to their appointments.

8. Patients are checked for fever at time of appointment as well as staff upon arrival to work.

9. Patients are checked in and wait in their car to avoid crowding in the waiting room.

10. Patients do a disinfecting pre-rinse prior to being worked on and other devices are available to minimize aerosols and viral loads.

Root Canal vs. a Regular Filling — What’s the Difference?

You Can Still Have Cavities

Even if you brush and floss regularly and come in for all of your well dental checkups, you could still develop cavities. However, your chances are better when you actually do get to the dentist and if you floss every night. When you do develop a cavity, a simple filling is all you need to preserve your tooth, prevent pain and even restore the cosmetic appearance of your tooth.

You May Need A Root Canal

When a tooth is more damaged, though, you may need a more extensive repair – a root canal. Tooth damage requiring this more involved repair could be the result of a large or deep cavity; if you’ve skipped a few well appointments lately due to a busy schedule, then your small cavity could have turned into a larger issue. In some cases, an injured or broken tooth may also be a good candidate for root canal.

Fillings Verses Root Canals

Regular fillings are ideal for small to medium sized cavities with no surprises or issues. If the cavity is too large to be filled, your tooth will require more intensive care. Left untreated, your deep cavity or damage can lead to infection and pain. A root canal resolves these larger cavities before they can cause further damage or cause you pain.

When a root canal is performed, the interior of the tooth is cleaned away and any damaged tissue is removed. Once the area is excavated and free of damage and bacteria, it is covered with bonding or a crown to prevent any more damage or pain.

The decision to do a root canal or a simple filling will depend on the condition of the tooth in question and the location and depth of the cavity or damage. If you suspect you have a cavity, the best thing to do is schedule an appointment and have the tooth assessed; the sooner you do so, the better, since cavities can grow rapidly, taking care of a suspect tooth today can save you time in the dental chair tomorrow. Call us to schedule a visit to have your tooth examined by our team and to find out the best course of action to restore your smile and prevent further damage.


Do you or do you know someone that has breastfeeding problems? Are you familiar with ANKYLOGLOSSIA or Tongue-tied? Breast-feeding requires a baby to keep his or her tongue over the lower gum while sucking. If unable to move the tongue or keep it in the right position, the baby might chew instead of suck on the nipple.

Some other symptoms of tongue-tie include:

Struggle to lift tongue to upper teeth or even having trouble moving the tongue side to side
Another sign of your baby being
Tongue-tied is if you notice your baby is not sticking his or her tongue out past the lower gumline
If you are concerned your baby may have a few of these symptoms, look to see if he or she has a tongue that looks notched or heart-shaped when he or she sticks it out
This can cause significant nipple pain and interfere with a baby’s ability to get breast milk. Ultimately, poor breast-feeding can lead to inadequate nutrition and failure to thrive. You can read more complications with tongue tie in a post from the Mayo Clinic here.

I can help you and your baby with ANKYLOGLOSSIA (Tongue-tied) with a quick, painless procedure by laser in the office. The results are almost instantaneous. Contact my office at 561-797-4077 for information or an appointment today!